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12 Bauwerke gefunden:

Werkraum Haus

Hof 800, 6866 Andelsbuch, A
Architect: Peter Zumthor (2012-2013) Building contractor: Werkraum Bregenzerwald Accessibility: Tueday - Saturday 10–18

The Werkraum Haus promotes craft and is at the same time a meeting place, a festival hall, a showcase and much more. The large roof is supported by fourteen wooden hinged pillars and stiffened by three black concrete cubes creating an inviting gesture.

© Florian Holzherr

vorarlberg museum

Kornmarktplatz 1, Bregenz, A
Architect: Cukrowicz Nachbaur Architekten (2010-2012) Building contractor: Land Vorarlberg Accessibility: Tuesday - Sonday 10 bis 18 Uhr
Tursday 10 - 21
closed on Monday

The museum naturally matches the adjacent cultural buildings in height and volume and expands the newly designed grain market towards the lake with the buckled south-west façade.

© Hanspeter Schiess


Kirchgasse 6, 6710 Nenzing, A
Architect: Hansjörg Thum (2010) Building contractor: Verein ARTENNE Reachability: ARTENNE Plattform für Kunst und Kultur
in the afternoon:
Tel: 0043 (0)5525 64417
Mobil: 0043 (0)664 73574514

Farmhouses with barns are rare in Walgau. This one from 1841 is largely preserved in its structure and materialisation. The complex and function-related structure across different levels reappears on the inside. Old and new – made from steel – can clearly be distinguished.

© Helmut Schlatter

Vorarlberger Architektur Institut

Marktstrasse 33, 6850 Dornbirn, A
Architect: Dietrich | Untertrifaller (2009) Building contractor: Stadt Dornbirn Accessibility: within sight of Dornbirn’s marketplace Reachability: vai Vorarlberger Architektur Institut
Opening hours Exhibition:
Tue-Fr 14 -17 Uhr, Sa 11-17 Uhr

www.v-a-i.at; info@v-a-i.at
Tel: +43 5572 52269

A modern building concept for architecture, art, gastronomy and a bookshop as well as unobtrusively attached apartments preserve the memory of the "Alte Naturschau” even after the renovation.

© Bruno Klomfar

Angelika Kauffmann Museum

Brand 34, 6867 Schwarzenberg, A
Architect: Dietrich | Untertrifaller (2006-2007) Building contractor: Gemeinde Schwarzenberg Reachability: www.angelika-kauffmann.com
Tel. +43 (0)5512/26455

The Schwarzenberger Heimatmuseum (museum of local history) and the exhibition hall for the artist Angelika Kauffmann (1741-1897) are connected by a shared foyer. The character of the original peasant Althaus (1556) has been preserved and adapted to the contemporary demands of a museum.

© Bruno Klomfar

Allmeinde Lech

Tannberg 394, 6764 Lech am Arlberg, A
Architect: Katia Schneider, Gerold Schneider (2000-2006) Reachability: tel. +43 5583 3500 300

The small barn has developed into a functional event centre Possible utilisations of the building are cultural events, conferences, symposia or the hosting of the "artists in residence”. The contrast between "the rough” and "the fine” are realised brilliantly.


Heimatmuseum Mesmer Stall

Am Dorfplatz, 6861 Alberschwende, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann, Dieter Seeberger (2004) Building contractor: Gemeinde Alberschwende Reachability: www.alberschwende.at

The old building was renovated and reconstructed and is now a place for art. A convention hall is located upstairs and a small agricultural museum of local history is situated at the ground floor. An exciting contrast is created by the visible old constructions and new installations.

© Bruno Klomfar

inatura Erlebnis Naturschau Dornbirn

Jahngasse 9, 6850 Dornbirn, A
Architect: Dietrich | Untertrifaller, Hermann Kaufmann, Christian Lenz (2001-2003) Building contractor: F.M. Hämmerle, Stadt Dornbirn Accessibility: Stadtgarten: anytime
Opening times inatura: open daily from 10 – 18

The former machine factory has turned into an interactive exhibition of nature. The museum is situated within the idyllic city park that has been designed by landscape architects. A visit of the current exhibition of kunstraum Dornbirn located in the opposite factory hall is recommended.

© Ignacio Martinez

Villa Falkenhorst

Flugelin 3, 6712 Thüringen, A
Architect: Helmut Kuess (1998-2000) Building contractor: Gemeinde Thüringen Accessibility: Concert promoters provide a varied program Reachability: www.villa.falkenhorst.at
Tel +43 5550 20137

The design of the park was inspired by English gardens and the grand villa has developed into an exhibition and event location. The architectural-historical processes remain noticeable and the historical substance is enriched by functional fixtures.

© Ignacio Martinez

KUB Kunsthaus Bregenz

Karl Tizian Platz 1, 6900 Bregenz, A
Architect: Peter Zumthor (1994-1997) Building contractor: Land Vorarlberg Accessibility: situated on the lakeside close to the Kornmarkttheater Reachability: T +43 5574 48594-0

A place of art; and a place for people who want to experience artwork at their leisure. The outplacement of administrative units, shops and cafes directs the focus on the essential function of the solitary building: the exhibition.

© Hélène Binet

KUB Kunsthaus Bregenz

Karl Tizian Platz 1, 6900 Bregenz, A
Architect: Peter Zumthor (1994-1997) Building contractor: Land Vorarlberg Accessibility: open untill 2:00 a.m.

The slim, small structure in front of the Kunsthaus shows the same attributes on the inside as on the outside: Black. Minimalistic. Elegant. An urban feeling is tangible during the summer months. Designer odds and ends can be bought in the shop.

© Markus Tretter

Jewish Museum Hohenems

Schweizer Strasse 5, 6845 Hohenems, A
Architect: Elsa Prochazka, Roland Gnaiger (1991) Building contractor: Verein Jüdisches Museum Hohenems Accessibility: Museum and Café
Tuesday to Sunday and holidays 10-17 Uhr
Reachability: www.jm-hohenems.at
Tel +43 5576 73989

The Heimann-Rosenthal villa in Gründerzeit style houses a historic site: the Jewish museum. The careful renovation and preservation of the bourgeois living environments as well as the reserved and dignified presentation of the documents enable visitors to immerse themselves into a different time.