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3 Bauwerke gefunden:

Elementary School and Kindergarten Satteins

Schulplatz 5, 6822 Satteins, A
Architect: HEIN-TROY Architekten (2008-2010) Building contractor: Gemeinde Satteins

The new building of the elementary school and the new kindergarten flank the old school building. The new rooms of the elementary school and the kindergarten are made of white pine. The center is the completely glazed multi-purpose room that features a remarkable art and building project. Attention is attracted by the color scheme and structure of the concrete facade.

© Robert Fessler

Fire Station Satteins

Hollagaß 2, 6822 Satteins, A
Architect: baucombinat (2004-2006) Building contractor: Gemeinde Satteins

Red fair-faced concrete and galvanized steel profiles give the fire station a rather robust than bulky appearance. The hose tower at the front is easily visible from the distance, and the other part of the building is organized by function: the ground floor is the operation area while the offices and the training area are located on the first floor.

© Dietmar Mathis

Social Center Jagdberg

Oberdorf 15, 6822 Satteins, A
Architect: Andreas Hanck, Reinhold Strieder, Susanne Hanck (1998)

The revitalization of the former citizen's home in Satteins on the hill copies the typical structure of the village. A clearly structured extension corresponds to the large-scale farmyard of the original building.

© Klomfar & Sengmüller