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3 Bauwerke gefunden:

Werkraum Haus

Hof 800, 6866 Andelsbuch, A
Architect: Peter Zumthor (2012-2013) Building contractor: Werkraum Bregenzerwald Accessibility: Tueday - Saturday 10–18

The Werkraum Haus promotes craft and is at the same time a meeting place, a festival hall, a showcase and much more. The large roof is supported by fourteen wooden hinged pillars and stiffened by three black concrete cubes creating an inviting gesture.

© Florian Holzherr

KUB Kunsthaus Bregenz

Karl Tizian Platz 1, 6900 Bregenz, A
Architect: Peter Zumthor (1994-1997) Building contractor: Land Vorarlberg Accessibility: situated on the lakeside close to the Kornmarkttheater Reachability: T +43 5574 48594-0

A place of art; and a place for people who want to experience artwork at their leisure. The outplacement of administrative units, shops and cafes directs the focus on the essential function of the solitary building: the exhibition.

© Hélène Binet

KUB Kunsthaus Bregenz

Karl Tizian Platz 1, 6900 Bregenz, A
Architect: Peter Zumthor (1994-1997) Building contractor: Land Vorarlberg Accessibility: open untill 2:00 a.m.

The slim, small structure in front of the Kunsthaus shows the same attributes on the inside as on the outside: Black. Minimalistic. Elegant. An urban feeling is tangible during the summer months. Designer odds and ends can be bought in the shop.

© Markus Tretter