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Übersichtskarte ausblenden
3 Bauwerke gefunden:

Boarding School Mäder

Neue Landstraße 4, 6841 Mäder, A
Architect: walser + werle (2008-2010) Building contractor: Land Vorarlberg

The new construction provides the best therapy and care conditions for disabled pupils. Light and dolphin therapies are possible in the new swimming bath. Light-filled, glazed corridors connect the simple cube on three storeys to the old building, from which the friendly yellow color scheme was adopted.

© Christine Kees

DorfMitte Knoblach

Werben 9, 6842 Koblach, A
Architect: walser + werle (2009-2010) Building contractor: Gemeinde Koblach

Koblach’s new center is formed by the town hall complying with passive energy standards and the village square with the village well. The two levels of the spacious and traffic free village square are connected by wide stairways and ramps.

© Michael Fröhle

Gymnasium Feldkirch

Rebberggasse 25 - 27, 6800 Feldkirch, A
Architect: walser + werle (1998-2001) Building contractor: Republik Österreich

The extension and the addition of another storey have created a revised situation of urban development. The heterogeneous structure of the existing buildings is harmonized, the surrounding squares are completely reorganized and the new construction virtually forms the stretched backbone of the entire complex.

© Margherita Spiluttini