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7 Bauwerke gefunden:

Beerenhaus Winder

Sebastianstr. 7, 6850 Dornbirn, A
Architect: Elmar Ludescher, Philip Lutz (2015) Accessibility: Hofladenöffnungszeiten von 1. Mai bis Allerheiligen von 8.00 - 17.30 Uhr

Der Ausbau reagiert in einer angemessenen Rustikalität und Pragmatik auf die konkrete Bauaufgabe Landwirtschaft und zeigt, in welcher Weise Landwirtschaftsbauten für den Holzbau gewonnen werden können.

© Elmar Ludescher

Weingut Schmidt am Bodensee

Hattnau 62, Wasserburg, D
Architect: Elmar Ludescher, Philip Lutz (2013-2014) Accessibility: Öffnungszeiten Verkauf:
Mo - Fr: 07:00 - 12:00 und 13:00 - 16:00
Sa: 07:00 - 12:00

Mittwoch 07:00–12:00, 13:00–16:00
Donnerstag 07:00–12:00, 13:00–16:00

Weinbau, Weinlager, Vertrieb und Bewirtung unter einem Dach. Äußerlich der lokalen bäuerlichen Bautradition verwandt, sorgen subtile formale Zusätze für architektonische Zeichenhaftigkeit.

© Elmar Ludescher

Lebenshilfe Estates Birkenwiese

Birkenwiese 26, 6850 Dornbirn, A
Architect: Philip Lutz (2007-2008) Building contractor: Lebenshilfe Vorarlberg

Two units for assisted living communities are arranged in a clear form on two storeys with a special color scheme, providing a high quality of living and integrating well into the residential area. The terrace of the wooden construction opens up into the garden and the glazing from the top to the floor allows an unobstructed view even in a lying position.

© Robert Fessler


Marktstraße 26, 6971 Hard, A
Architect: Philip Lutz (2005-2006) Building contractor: Michelehof, Fam. Büchele Reachability: Call to make an appointment for brandy tastings!
Fam. Büchele
Tel. +43 (0)5574 72412

A new building, which retained the existing cold stores, was built the location of the old Schnaps distillery. It combines several facilities under one roof: a distillery, a retail space, a tasting room, a liquor warehouse, a machinery hall and a workshop
Call to make an appointment for brandy tastings!

© Nina Baisch

Skihütte Schneggarei

Talstation Schlegelkopfbahn, 6764 Lech am Arlberg, A
Architect: Philip Lutz, Katia Schneider, Gerold Schneider (2002) Building contractor: Gerold Schneider Reachability: nearby Schlegelkopfbahn

The raw-edged white fir barks on the outside already hint at the inner workings. 'Rustic' is newly interpreted and defined by meticulous details. There are countless inspirations for the guests such as the door and window locks, the faucets and the soap dispensers.

© Robert Fessler

KOKON-Lifestyle House

Lindauerstrasse 64, 6911 Lochau, A
Architect: Philip Lutz, Geli Salzmann (1998-1999) Building contractor: Toussaint GmbH

The furniture store along the road to Bregenz attracts attention with its oversized, generous, glazed showcase. The building as an entity is window display, entrance gate and lobby at the same time, and also provides exhibition space for artistic interventions.

© Ignacio Martinez

Gasthaus Schiffle

Mühlebacherstrasse 25, 6850 Dornbirn, A
Architect: Geli Salzmann, Philip Lutz, Christian Maier (1998) Building contractor: Birgit Tiefenthaler, Geli Salzmann Reachability: Tel +43 (0)5572 / 33023

The two-story house in the Rheintalhaus in Mühlebach, a very old part of Dornbirn, has been "excellently" renovated. The old part of the building had to remain in use as a guest house; in the new building you can visit the architect of this project.