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3 Bauwerke gefunden:

Fire Station and Mountain Rescue Station Schoppernau

Unterdorf 2c, 6900 Schoppernau, A
Architect: Matthias Hein (2004-2005) Building contractor: Gemeindeimmobilien Verwaltungs Ges. m.b.H.

The compact design of the fire and mountain rescue station is made almost entirely of spruce. Only the garage area had to be integrated into the building as a concrete box due to fire-protection and functional requirements.

© Robert Fessler

Community Center Übersaxen

6830 Übersaxen, A
Architect: Matthias Hein (2003-2004) Building contractor: GIG Übersaxen

The angular exterior made of gray gravel concrete contrasts with the warm wooden interior construction. A lateral access zone with a wardrobe, a library and a bar confines the newly created village square. The actual height of the new building is only visible from the valley below.

© Robert Fessler

Franz Michael Feldermuseum

Unterdorf 2b, 6886 Schoppernau, A
Architect: Matthias Hein (2003) Building contractor: GIG Schoppernau Accessibility: Franz Michael Felder Museum
opening hours:
Mo 16-18 | Do 9-11 | Fr 17-19 | So 9:30-11:30

The cultural centre and office building Schoppernau unites a bank, a tourism office, a hairstylist, a local ensemble, a library and a museum. Untreated silver fir, continuous asphalt floor and ceiling high glazing are the attributes of the new building which blends in perfectly with the existing village structure.

© Robert Fessler