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22 Bauwerke gefunden:

BUS:STOP Krumbach Glatzegg

6942 Krumbach, A
Architect: Amateur Architecture Studio Wang Shu / Lu Wenyu, Hermann Kaufmann (2014) Building contractor: kultur krumbach, Gemeinde Krumbach

Der Vorschlag aus China bietet Aussicht: Ein konischer Raum, der sich zur Strasse öffnet und mit dem Fenster an der Rückwand die Blickachse zu den Bergen rahmt.

© Adolf Bereuter

Sicherheitszentrum Bezau

Platz 375, 6870 Bezau, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann, Querformat, Ralph Broger (2012-2014) Building contractor: Gemeinde Bezau

Das Bezauer Sicherheitszentrum in direkter Nähe zu Gemeindeamt und Bezirksgericht vereint Feuerwehr, Bergrettung, Polizei und Wasserrettung in einem Gebäude. Der zum Dorfzentrum orientierte Vorplatz mit freistehendem Schlauchturm wird zu Übungszwecken, aber auch für Veranstaltungen und Feste genutzt.

© Norman Radon

Illwerke Zentrum Montafon

Anton Amannstraße 12, 6773 Vandans, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (2012-2013) Building contractor: Vorarlberger Illwerke AG Reachability: It is located near the Golm cableway.

It is one of Europe’s largest office buildings designed as a wood-hybrid construction. It serves as an example for sustainability, resource awareness and innovation for which the scenery in Vadans provides a dazzling backdrop.

© Norman A. Müller

Pfarrhaus Krumbach

Dorf 1, 6942 Krumbach, A
Architect: Bernardo Bader, Bechter Zaffignani, Hermann Kaufmann (2012-2013) Building contractor: Gemeinde Krumbach Accessibility: Öffnungszeiten Bücherei:
Mo: 14.00 - 17.00 Uhr
Mi: 8.00 - 11.00 Uhr
Mi: 16.00 - 19.00 Uhr
Fr: 9.00 - 11.00 Uhr

Das Pfarrhaus ist Teil der umfassenden ortsräumlichen Erneuerung Krumbachs und vereint verschiedene öffentliche Funktionen unter einem Dach: Pfarrsaal, Bücherei, Musikräume. Errichtet in Passivhausstandard, gebaut aus gemeindeeigenem Holz, konsequenter Einsatz ökologisch und baubiologisch unbedenklicher Materialien.

© Adolf Bereuter

Life Cycle Tower

Färbergasse 15, 6850 Dornbirn, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (2011-2012) Building contractor: Cree GmbH Creative Resource & Energy Efficiency

Der LifeCycle Tower ONE (LCT ONE) ist das erste achtgeschoßige Holzgebäude in Österreich. Der Realisierung des Prototyps ging ein Forschungsprojekt zur Holz-Systembauweise voran. Mit der Überprüfung des Bausystems auf Umsetzbarkeit soll es internationale Marktreife erlangen.

© Norman Radon

Am Garnmarkt

Am Garnmarkt 6, 6840 Götzis, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (2010-2011) Building contractor: Montfort Investment GmbH Accessibility: The area provides numerous shops and restaurants with normal opening hours.

The center development project, currently the largest in Götzis, is worth a visit.
It aims to combine aspects of living, working, residing in an urban atmosphere and high quality.

© Bruno Klomfar

Hotel Schwanen Bizau

Kirchdorf 77, 6874 Bizau, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (2009) Building contractor: Antonia & Wolfgang Moosbrugger Reachability: Opening hours of the restaurant (exclusively organic, regional and seasonal products are served):
11.30 - 14.00 und 17.30 - 21.00 Uhr
Tel: 05514 2133

The traditional inn has transformed into a simple, modern hotel without borrowing the clichés of rustic and alpine tourist facilities.

© Adolf Bereuter

CityPark Dornbirn

Mozartstraße 1, 6850 Dornbirn, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (2005-2007)

In the center of Dornbirn the glass facade of the extension suggests something special behind. A spacious atrium opens up to twenty-one apartments as a semi-public zone.

© Hermann Kaufmann

Community Center Ludesch

Raiffeisenstraße 56, 6713 Ludesch, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (2004-2005) Building contractor: Gemeinde Ludesch

The community center Ludesch is an example from the textbook for dedicated sustainable construction by using only local timber, renewable raw materials and strictly non-toxic materials based on the approach of regional value enhancement.

© Bruno Klomfar

Heimatmuseum Mesmer Stall

Am Dorfplatz, 6861 Alberschwende, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann, Dieter Seeberger (2004) Building contractor: Gemeinde Alberschwende Reachability: www.alberschwende.at

The old building was renovated and reconstructed and is now a place for art. A convention hall is located upstairs and a small agricultural museum of local history is situated at the ground floor. An exciting contrast is created by the visible old constructions and new installations.

© Bruno Klomfar

inatura Erlebnis Naturschau Dornbirn

Jahngasse 9, 6850 Dornbirn, A
Architect: Dietrich | Untertrifaller, Hermann Kaufmann, Christian Lenz (2001-2003) Building contractor: F.M. Hämmerle, Stadt Dornbirn Accessibility: Stadtgarten: anytime
Opening times inatura: open daily from 10 – 18

The former machine factory has turned into an interactive exhibition of nature. The museum is situated within the idyllic city park that has been designed by landscape architects. A visit of the current exhibition of kunstraum Dornbirn located in the opposite factory hall is recommended.

© Ignacio Martinez

Kurhotel Bad Reuthe

Reuthe 70, 6870 Reuthe, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann, Bernd Frick (2000-2003) Building contractor: Herbert Frick Accessibility: Take the turn to Bezau and follow the inconspicuous sign to "Reuthe” after the bridge. Reachability: Tel +43 5514 2265-0

The elliptical bathhouse with its comfy, well organised sauna and wellness area is worth a relaxing visit. The new lobby, the restaurant expansion and the bedroom wing should not be missed too.


Sutterlüty Markt

Walgaustraße 7, 6833 Weiler, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (2002) Building contractor: Sutterlüty GesmbH & Co

The concept of a market is clearly recognizable in the high hall in timber construction style. The daily shopping is done with a "friendly” casualness caused by the open atmosphere and it may be perceived as a relaxing activity.

© Bruno Klomfar

Naturhotel Chesa Valisa

Gerbeweg 18, 6992 Hirschegg, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (2002) Building contractor: Klaus Kessler Reachability: Tel +43 5517 5414-0

The "Walserhaus" is managed by the fourth generation and combines very old building structures and elements from the 60s with the new extension. Ayurveda, the expanded restaurant, the whole food shop, the seminar room and the lobby are formally reduced and assembled with natural materials.


Office Building Sportplatzweg

Sportplatzweg 5, 6858 Schwarzach, A
Architect: Christian Lenz, Hermann Kaufmann (1998) Building contractor: Christian Lenz, Gmeiner Baugesellschaft mbH, Errichtergemeinschaft Kaufmann / Lenz / Gmeiner, Hermann Kaufmann

A 58 meter long, wooden living cube floats above the architect’s office on the ground floor. The bright, transparent office rooms and apartments with spacious terraces which are accessible by exterior, wooden staircases, constitute the quality of the clear, pragmatic and above all ecological building structure.

© Ignacio Martinez

Office Building Sportplatzweg

Sportplatzweg 5, 6858 Schwarzach, A
Architect: Christian Lenz, Hermann Kaufmann (1998) Building contractor: Christian Lenz, Gmeiner Baugesellschaft mbH, Errichtergemeinschaft Kaufmann / Lenz / Gmeiner, Hermann Kaufmann

A 58 meter long, wooden living cube floats above the architect’s office on the ground floor. The bright, transparent office rooms and apartments with spacious terraces which are accessible by exterior, wooden staircases, constitute the quality of the clear, pragmatic and above all ecological building structure.

© Ignacio Martinez

Residential Estate Ölzbündt

Hamerlingstrasse 12, 6850 Dornbirn, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (1997) Building contractor: Anton Kaufmann, Ölz Grafik Design

The complex is an outstanding prototype for the development of a timber construction system which is suitable for multi-storey residential buildings. The construction is based on a modular system with prefabricated elements that are laid out in a grid.


Riding Hall Provost St. Gerold

6700 St. Gerold, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (1997) Building contractor: Propstei St.Gerold

The lightweight timber structure of the riding hall, which delicately spans 15 x 30 metres, is worth seeing and a trip to the provost on the steep southern slope of the Walsertal is recommended.

© Ignacio Martinez

Sonnenkopfbahn Klösterle

Danöfen 59, 6754 Klösterle, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (1997)

Tal- und Bergstation wurden unter Einbeziehung der bestehenden Substanz neu erbaut


Hotel Widderstein Schröcken

Nesslegg 38, 6888 Schröcken, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (1996) Building contractor: Widderstein Hotel GesmbH & Co KG Reachability: Tel +43 (0) 5519 / 400-0

The new wing is an extension to the existing hotel complex; it is structured by the added layer of balconies made of light wood. It offers spacious rooms and imposing mountain scenery.

© Ignacio Martinez

Education Center St. Arbogast

Montfortstrasse 88, 6840 Götzis, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann, Christian Lenz (1992-1993) Building contractor: Jugendbildungshaus St. Arbogast

As a consequence of the new construction’s positioning in relation to the existing church, a new square was created next to the guesthouses. It guides the visitors through an arcade of steel stanchions and high glass walls to the reception, the cafeteria and the dining room. Do not forget to marvel at the walk-in art object "Wasserhaus” on the premises.

© Myrzik + Jaritsch

Elementary School Dafins

Hauptstrasse 14, 6832 Dafins, A
Architect: Hermann Kaufmann, Sture Larsen, Walter Unterrainer (1990) Building contractor: Gemeinde Zwischenwasser

The well-known, first solar powered school in Austria which offers an extensive view of the Rhine valley, supplies itself with 80% of the heating energy with solar panels on the roof of the south facade.