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5 Bauwerke gefunden:

Haus Klosterreben

Klosterreben 4, 6830 Rankweil, A
Architect: DornerMatt Architekten (2010-2011) Building contractor: Marktgemeinde Rankweil

The structure made of white in-situ concrete is arranged in a way that two courtyards and an atrium are formed in the middle. While the living rooms of the residential communities are oriented towards the courtyard and thus create communication space, the private rooms face the countryside and offer a place of calm.

© Bruno Klomfar

Driving Range

Kirchstraße 70, 6830 Rankweil, A
Architect: Gohm Hiessberger Architekten (2009-2010) Building contractor: Golfclub Montfort Rankweil

Translucent polycarbonate panels divide the club rooms from the dressing rooms, the meeting rooms, the coaching area and the adjoining rooms. Dug into the hillside, there are private boxes for the players. On top, the viewing deck offers a panoramic view of the golf court.

© Markus Gohm

Logistic Center Tschabrun

Bundesstraße 102, 6839 Rankweil, A
Architect: Christian Lenz (2005) Building contractor: Hermann Tschabrun GmbH

The premises of the wood retailer represent one of the largest warehouses constructed of wood in Central Europe. Impressive room dimensions, maximum operational flexibility and excellent adaptation to the topography characterize the building. The construction materials are part of the company’s product range.

© Bruno Klomfar

Social Center Fuchshaus

Ringstrasse, 6830 Rankweil, A
Architect: Wolfgang Ritsch Architekten (1999-2000) Building contractor: Gemeinde Rankweil

A typical Rheintalhaus was rescued by the architect, and proved perfect for the planned use after a closer investigation. The rooms are part of the accommodation wing, and the workshop area is newly built and completed with the necessary infrastructure.

© Bruno Klomfar

Animal Clinic

Bifangstraße 79, 6830 Rankweil, A
Architect: Joachim Schmidle (1999-2000) Building contractor: Thomas Schwarzmann

The private hospital for small animals is perfectly organized for functional medical processes in several cubes that vary in height development, size, orientation and color.

© Ignacio Martinez