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Übersichtskarte ausblenden
2 Bauwerke gefunden:

Mühleweg Estates

Mühleweg, 6714 Nüziders, A
Architect: Hans Hohenfellner (2003-2005) Building contractor: VOGEWOSI

The building complex interferes only minimally with the topography of the town and imitates the scale of the adjacent single-family development. The project includes 66 units and those for the assisted living communities were completed during the third construction phase.

© Bruno Klomfar

Town Hall Nüziders

Sonnenbergstrasse 14, 6714 Nüziders, A
Architect: Bruno Spagolla (1997-1999) Building contractor: Gemeinde Nüziders

The workshop and residential building of a former textile company fulfilled all the requirements for a town hall due to its location at the town centre. The course of the Mühlebach flowing below the three-storey hall is noticeable throughout the building. While the glazed front construction provides access to a public service zone, the back part of it accommodates the offices, the meeting rooms as well as the seminar and lecture room.

© Bruno Klomfar