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Übersichtskarte ausblenden
2 Bauwerke gefunden:

Fire Station Frastanz

Bahnhofstrasse 31, 6820 Frastanz, A
Architect: Gohm Hiessberger Architekten (1999-2000) Building contractor: Gemeinde Frastanz

The wise use of the topography of the exposed building site and the clear functional organization of the two-storey building into a massive base and a cantilevered lightweight construction on top of it contribute to a large extent to the integration into the spatial structure of the village.

© Bruno Klomfar

Social Center Frastanz

Schmittengasse 10, 6820 Frastanz, A
Architect: Gohm Hiessberger Architekten (1994-1996) Building contractor: Marktgemeinde Frastanz

The nursing home from the 60s was modified; the new construction was literally plugged through the existing building. It stretches clearly visible towards the street and marks the main entrance. Interesting different room heights are created by the lounge above; its glazing extends over one and a half storeys.

© Margherita Spiluttini