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Übersichtskarte ausblenden
3 Bauwerke gefunden:

Ulmer Areal

Dr. Waibel Straße, 6850 Dornbirn, A
Architect: Dietrich | Untertrifaller, novaron (2007-2009) Building contractor: i+R Gruppe, Wohnbauselbsthilfe

A new inner-city district was created with the redesign of the centre of Dornbirn around the City Hall and the residential and office buildings of the former Ulm-area. This high-density district responds with individual cubes to the villas of the neighborhood, the cemetery and the Mohren-Brewery. The high-rise will be rebuilt and extended by seven condominiums.

© Jens Ellensohn

Condominium Mühlebündt

Gütlestraße 5c-h, 6850 Dornbirn, A
All residential buildings can only be viewed from outside. We would kindly ask you to respect the privacy of the residents. Architect: novaron (2003-2004) Building contractor: i+R Gruppe, novaron

The three-storey condominium is designed for lofts which facilitates a densification between the industrial district and the residential area with detached single-family houses.

© Gaston Wicky

Condominium Mühlebündt

Gütlestraße 5c-h, 6850 Dornbirn, A
All residential buildings can only be viewed from outside. We would kindly ask you to respect the privacy of the residents. Architect: novaron (2003-2004) Building contractor: i+R Gruppe, novaron

The three-storey condominium is designed for lofts which facilitates a densification between the industrial district and the residential area with detached single-family houses.

© Gaston Wicky